Content tagged as 'scRNA-seq'

Here is a list of all the content that has been tagged as scRNA-seq.

“Molecular Tomographer” algorithm maps gene expression in space

Our lab has developed an algorithm that can work out the spatial pattern of gene expression inside the body without the need for microscopes and complicated equipment used currently. Nature Biotech paper here

New method reveals cell development

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Harvard Medical School report in the journal Nature that they have developed a technique for capturing dynamic processes in individual cells. Apart from studying disease processes, the method can be used to observe in detail how specialised cells are formed during embryonic development.

RNA velocity is out in Nature

Our work on RNA velocity, the time derivative of gene expression, is now out in Nature. A lot of interesting new evidence and analysis added to the initial bioarxiv preprint. We put great attention to feature possibilities and the limits of the estimation approach. velocyto software is mature and ready to use. Enjoy!

RNA velocity preprint

Single-cell RNA-seq measurements provide a powerful approach for studying complex biological tissues. Some of the more interesting contexts involve dynamic processes, such as development or disease progression. However single-cell measurements only capture a snapshot of a transcriptional state at a single point in time.

Several approaches have been developed to infer dynamic processes, such as branching lineages, from this scRNA-seq. Usually those methods require …

Midbrain study gives boost to Parkinson’s research

Two research teams at Karolinska Institutet have identified the dopamine-producing cells in the midbrain of mice and humans. They have also developed a method of assessing the quality of in-vitro cultured dopamine-producing cells, which can be of great benefit to research on Parkinson’s disease. The results are published in the academic journal Cell.

Special nerve cells cause goose bumps and nipple erection

The sympathetic nerve system has long been thought to respond the same regardless of the physical or emotional stimulus triggering it. However, in a new study from Karolinska Institutet published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, scientists show that the system comprises different neurons that regulate specific physiological functions, such as erectile muscle control.